Miyerkules, Hulyo 10, 2013

The Mysterious Crystal Sphere of Atlantis

Crystal Sphere of Atlantis

Legendary Atlantis still holds a fascinating mystique for many. Stories of the ancient land that sank deep into the Atlantic Ocean have endured for more than 5,000 years. Renowned Psychic Edgar Cayce spoke in depth about Atlantis, and an Atlantean society that existed for more than 200, 000 years. The Atlantean's had, per Cayce, extremely advance technologies utilizing Crystals. Cayce and academics such as John Van Auken have a great truth about this once great society of Atlantis

In 2012 and beyond, the hidden history of our true origins will be revealed. The work of Graham Hancock, Dr Semir Osmanagich , Michael Cremo and David Childress is beginning to capture the recognition and sense of truth that is being accelerated in humanity.

And as controversial as the land of Atlantis remains to main stream academics, it is still an enigma that cannot be disproved ... while many scholars of old believed the existence of Atlantis to be a historical reality.

To add more mystery to the dilemma, a stunning and controversial mystery exist today surrounding an unusual crystal sphere said to have been found in a submerged pyramid in the waters near the location where Atlantis was said to have existed. Is it REAL?

Crystal Pyramid Discovered in Bermuda Triangle

Crystal Pyramid

These strange underwater Pyramid structure at a depth of two thousand meters were identified with the help of a sonar according to oceanographer Dr. Verlag Meyer. Studies of other structures like Yonaguni in modern day, Japan have allowed scientist to determine that the two giant pyramids, apparently made of something like a thick glass, are really impressive . . . each of them is larger than the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt

Recently American and French scientist as well as other countries that are conducting surveys in areas of the seabed of the Bermuda Triangle, claim to have found a pyramid standing upright on the seabed that has never been discovered. The length of the base of this pyramid reached 300 meters, 200 meters height, and distance from the base to the tip of the pyramid is about 100 meters above the sea floor. Preliminary results show this structure to be made of glass or a glass like (Crystal)? material, as it is entirely smooth and partially translucent.

Other Underwater Pyramid are Found

In 1977, a mysterious discovery was made on the floor of the Atlantic concerning an unknown technology. a 650 foot pyramid was mysteriously lit up, with sparkling white water surrounding it that turned deep green, a shocking contrast to the dark black waters at that depth. The discovery was photographed by Arl Marahall's expedition off Cay Sal.

Another huge Pyramid, in 10,000 feet of Atlantic Water, was reported to have been found with a pulsating crystal on top of it, by Tony Benik's expedition. The group also found an mysterious inscriptions became visible.

More underwater Pyramid's were found off Central America, Yucatan, and Louisiana, where domes were found in the Straits of Florida. A marble Greek style building was found between Florida and Cuba. and what about the column that radiated energy Dr. Zink found in the Bahamas also brought up other artifacts from him dives over Atlantis, and he was interviewed by Mind International Agent Steve Forsberg.

Other Pyramid's have been explored by Dr. Ray Brown on the sea floor of the Bahamas in 1970. Brown was accompanied by 4 divers who also found roads, domes, rectangular building, unidentified metallic instrument, and statue holding a "mysterious" crystal containing miniature pyramids. The metal devices and crystals were taken to Florida for analysis at a university there. What was discovered was that the crystal amplified energy that passed through it. Perhaps this is the reason for the glass like pyramid.

The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle and its Secret's

The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is located in the Atlantic Ocean, the Bermuda Triangle falls between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Florida. Bermuda Triangle Also known as the Devil’s Triangle, is an undefined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number or aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The triangle does not exist according to the US Navy and the name is not recognized by the US Board on Geographic Names. Popular culture has attributed various disappearances to the paranormal or activity by extraterrestrial beings. Documented evidence indicated that a significant percentage of the incidents were spurious, inaccurately reported, or embellished by later authors. In a 2013 study the World Wide Fund for Nature identified the world’s most dangerous waters for shipping, but the Bermuda Triangle was not among them. Contrary to popular belief, insurance companies do not charge higher premiums for shipping in this area. 

Bermuda Triangle a Mysterious, Unworldly, Sometimes Deadly. For decades intrepid researchers delved into the maze of mysterious hidden deep within this most enigmatic place on Earth. It has become part of popular culture to link the Bermuda Triangle to paranormal activity, most investigation indicate bad weather and human error are the more likely culprits

Some speculate the bizarre time anomalies disappearances and weird phenomena can be explained by natural occurrences. Others are insistent that relics of an advanced, unknown culture left behind fantastic technology ... great energy machines that literally warp space time and open portals to other realities.and scare some people, the Bermuda Triangle is actually part of a regularly sailed shipping lane with cruise ships and other boats also frequently sailing through the area. Aircraft are also common in the Bermuda Triangle with both private and commercial planes commonly flying through the air space. The Stories of unexplained disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle started to reach public awareness around 1950 and have been consistently reported since then.

Unverified supernaturals explanations for Bermuda Triangle incidents have included references to UFO's and even the mythical lost continent of Atlantis ...

Now American and French explorers have made a monumental discovery: a partially translucent, crystal-like pyramid rising from the Caribbean Seabed, its origin, age and purpose completely unknown, Researcher Zach Royer, has more on the discovery here Crystal Pyramid Discovered in Bermuda Triangle